Community Engagement
The Teen Resource Centre is a cozy space for teens to be teens. We facilitate unstructured social time. We also offer one-off mentoring sessions to foster special interests and in-depth mentoring to encourage creativity, entrepreneurship and any other passions our youth have.

Explore your passion
Willow Youth Projects
At Willow, we strive to amplify youth voice and strengthen community belonging. We offer transformative platforms for youth to learn the power of their own voice. Our projects create opportunities for youth to challenge the status quo of our systems, services, and stigmas through art-based expression. By combining art, research, and advocacy, youth are guided through a reflective process that promotes agency, belonging, and creative exploration.
Willow Youth Projects understands the importance of community engagement and is dedicated to creating platforms for youth to engage in social action through creative expression.
Learn more: https://willowyouthprojects.com/en/

Community Engagement
Our youth have a range of passions. Some examples of how they express themselves are:
Creative performances
Athletic achievement
Entrepreneurial contribution
It's important to us that the community can be introduced to our youth.
We nurture relationships with community stakeholders and offer our organizational expertise to help them scale the output of their already beautiful expressions.