The Community Health Centre established a committee that would guide the development of further services and resources for youth.

TRC became incorporated with the legal name of TRC (The Resource Centre) for Youth in Greater Saint John and hire their first Project Coordinator.

TRC moved into it's new home at 28 Richmond St.
The first community planning meeting for the TRC's community cluster was held on the 3rd floor. In 2015 construction began to realize the idea of local non-profits and social service agencies sharing resources to benefit the community
Business Community Anti-Poverty Initiative (BCAPI) and its Youth Poverty Working Group adopted the TRC vision and framework as one of its priority strategies to reduce youth poverty. BCAPI’s youth working group decided to join forces with the TRC committee.

The Rotary Club of Saint John chose the TRC as their Centennial Project and started their campaign to raise $500,000 to help find a new home

The Sexual Health Centre relocated to our building from the Mercantile Centre and our Case Management program launched.

Launched the first Pathways to Education location in New Brunswick.
Partnered with Saint John Learning Exchange and Housing Alternatives to help with youth housing barriers. We assist youth in navigating the community to find safe, affordable, independent and co-housing units.

In 2020, for the first time, Pathways celebrated graduation with youth who'd accessed their services since the beginning of their high school journey
Refurbished our lower level to add 4 new classrooms to accommodate the growing number of students in the Pathways to Education program
Entered a community partnership with HDC, Learning Exchange and The Community Loan Fund to provide Case management to youth with employment and education barriers.